Do your products contain nickel?
The EU Commission Regulation (EC) No 552/2009 amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 on REACH as regards Annex XV11, entry 27 for nickel compliance was adopted into UK legislation and is fully enforceable from 1st March 2013,it requires all materials sold to pass the requirements of the nickel release test detailed in BS EN1811:2011.
BS EN1811 was revised in 2011 and reissued as BS EN1811:2011 and has significantly changed the acceptance criteria for articles to be classified as Nickel compliant.
The revised standard requires that all articles produced for sale in the EU comply with the nickel release requirement. Articles produced for sale outside the EU area are not covered by this regulation but may be subject to other local controls. From 1st March 2013 Cooksongold will no longer be able to supply non-compliant materials to be used to produce articles for sale in the EU.
Cooksongold have tested their range of alloys and have withdrawn all 9ct, 10ct and 14ct nickel containing alloys from our standard product range along with all nickel containing post assembly products in 18ct white.
Cooksongold will continue to offer the concessionary 18ct solders, EWG, MWG, HWG and 18WNC for use in the manufacture of articles, however responsibility for the nickel compliance of the finished article remains with the article designer.
With the exception of the 18ct concessionary solders identified above all products supplied by Cooksonold are classed as compliant against the requirements of BS EN1811:2011
You can find the full statements regarding our REACH compliance attached. These statements cover our compliance with cadmium and lead content as well as nickel.